Next Rally Sunday December 8th - Mountain PC
Come join us for a morning of fun and games with your pony. Hosted by Chari Lee Zanker we will have a couple of hours of activities followed by lunch and a visit from Santa.
Please state dietary requirements on your booking form along with if you are riding or not. Decorating of yourself and your pony encouraged
$20 to members including lunch. Non riders or family members $20 for lunch.
BYO drinks, tea and coffee will be available though.
Bring a wrapped gift at $20 value if you wish to take part in Secret Santa.
Day Members $40 including lunch if places are available.
Payments must be made prior to rally. Please use your name as the reference.
Commonwealth Bank BSB 065 522 Account 10029042 Adelaide Hills Adult Riders
2024 Rally Calendar
December 8th - Mountain Pony Club - Chari-Lee Zanker